Screw air compressor for textile industry Date:2023-01-18   clicks:409

Screw air compressor for textile industry


Industry overview: The textile industry is widely distributed in Wuxi, Suzhou and Nantong, and is a major consumer of gas. Among them, air-jet looms use the compressed air provided by the air compressor as the traction force, which is a relatively common gas consumption equipment, especially for large textile mills, with a large number of air consumption.



Equipment introduction: air-jet loom is a shuttleless loom that uses jet air to draw weft through the shed. Among several shuttleless looms, air-jet loom is one with high speed. Due to reasonable weft insertion method, high weft insertion rate, simple and safe operation, it has the advantages of wide variety adaptability, low material consumption, high efficiency, high speed, low noise, etc.



Application of air compressor:

The working principle of the air-jet loom is to use air as the weft insertion medium, and use the compressed air jet to generate friction traction force to pull the weft, and then take the weft through the shed, and achieve the purpose of weft insertion through the jet generated by the air-jet. For the textile industry, air jet looms are used more and more, so the use of air compressors is also increasing. The selection of compressor directly affects the normal operation of air-jet loom and the quality of textile products. Therefore, the selection of compressor is very important. According to the requirements of air jet looms for compressed air and the characteristics and exhaust quality analysis of piston air compressor, screw air compressor and centrifugal air compressor, oil-free screw air compressor or centrifugal air compressor is generally recommended for the air compressor matching air jet looms.


Recommended product: JOY MACHINERY JMW oil-free screw air compressor


Oil-free screw air compressors are widely used in industries requiring high-quality air sources such as medicine, food, electronics, chemical industry, packaging, etc. Pure compressed air is a necessary measure to ensure the process flow and product quality. You can produce your high-end products without risk and safety.


The lubrication system of oil-free screw air compressor is a separate oil supply circulation unit. The compression chamber and bearing are closely separated by high-performance mechanical seal components. The lubricating oil can only flow in its closed area and cannot enter the compression chamber. The compression chamber is pure air that does not contain. After a little water removal and dust removal, pure compressed air can be obtained.


Conclusion: In recent years, countries in South Asia and Southeast Asia, mainly India, Bangladesh, Vietnam and Indonesia, have become emerging markets in the textile industry by virtue of their advantages in labor costs and raw material costs. In 2014, the export market of China's textile machinery industry showed strong growth, and more enterprises listed the overseas market as the main development goal in 2015. The development of the air compressor industry will also drive overseas with this free ride.


JOY MACHINERY always adheres to the corporate vision of "building a leading brand of oil-free air compressors in the world", and hopes to provide high-quality, clean and safe air for food, beverage and other production enterprises on the road of oil-free air compressor research and development, production and sales. Source protection, and also contribute a little bit to people's health and safety.


JOY MACHINERY oil-free air compressor series is widely used in the food and beverage processing industry due to its clean air source and continuous and stable gas transmission. If you have any needs, please contact us! JOY Machinery (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. has a professional design team with rich experience and welcomes customization. Diversified products can meet most applications and meet your one-stop shopping needs. The air compressor series includes power frequency screw air compressors, variable frequency screw air compressors, permanent magnet variable frequency screw air compressors, two-stage compression screw air compressors, integrated screw air compressors, laser cutting air compressors, medium and high pressure air compressors. Air compressors, oil-free water-lubricated screw air compressors (special oil-free screw air compressors for the medical industry), diesel-moving screw air compressors, electric-moving screw air compressors and other products.

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