Motor industry has entered the IE3 era of high efficiency Date:2022-10-26   clicks:283

The new standard has been formally implemented, and the motor industry has entered the IE3 era of high efficiency


With the proposal of China's "3060" double carbon target, "energy conservation and efficiency" has become a hot topic in the industrial field. Innovation of technical products and the introduction of mandatory standards are important means to reduce carbon emissions and achieve energy conservation and efficiency.



From June 1, 2021, the mandatory national standard GB18613-2020 Motor Energy Efficiency Limits and Energy Efficiency Grades will be officially implemented, and the production of energy efficiency motors below IE3 (international standard) will be forced to stop, which also means that the domestic motor industry has entered the era of IE3 efficiency.


After many years, the new standard of motor energy efficiency has finally arrived. Since the implementation date of the standard, IE3 efficiency will become the lowest energy efficiency limit of three-phase asynchronous motor in China (three-level energy efficiency). The three-phase asynchronous motor below the IE3 energy efficiency limit is not allowed to be reproduced and sold, indicating that the efficiency level of China's small and medium-sized three-phase asynchronous motor has been raised by another level. The new national standard also lists IE4 efficiency as the secondary energy conservation evaluation value index.


Difference between new and old national standard motor energy efficiency labels


Although motors rarely appear in public view, they are almost everywhere. From industrial pumps, fans and conveyor belts in manufacturing to compressors in electrical equipment and HVAC systems in buildings, motors provide power sources for a large number of basic applications in modern life. The power consumption of motors accounts for about 75% of industrial power consumption and more than half of total social power consumption, so the implementation of new standards for motors is crucial to improve energy utilization and achieve China's carbon emission reduction goals.


In fact, in recent years, in the context of global energy consumption reduction, the international consensus on IE3 as a mandatory energy efficiency standard has long been reached. China is one of the major motor manufacturing countries. If our motor products want to enter the global market, the energy efficiency level of motor products must meet the technical requirements of the international market. The implementation of the mandatory motor energy efficiency standards is of great significance to the transformation and upgrading of the industry, further promoting the development and application of efficient motors in China, and making a real contribution to the national dual carbon goals.


For motor manufacturers, after the implementation of the new standard, motors that do not meet the IE3 energy efficiency limit shall not be produced or sold, and the user shall not purchase them. Therefore, motor enterprises shall make full preparations for the production and sale of IE3 and above energy efficiency motors from the aspects of technology, equipment, process, materials and sales.


At the national level, the most important problem is whether the country can take strong measures to forcibly eliminate IE2, otherwise the technical advantages of IE3 will be difficult to truly reflect. Relevant departments shall strengthen the supervision and punishment on the production and use of low energy efficiency products by means of supervision and spot check, special spot check on motor energy efficiency identification, energy conservation supervision, etc., so that IE2 motors can be eliminated as soon as possible. On the other hand, in order to encourage the promotion and implementation of IE3, the state should continue to increase the incentive policies for enterprises producing and using IE3 motors, actively discuss how to better implement the standards, cultivate the market, and ensure that the domestic motor industry can enter the IE3 era as soon as possible.


As the driving device of various mechanical equipment, such as fans, pumps, compressors, machine tools, transmission belts, etc., motors consume more than 60% of the total industrial power consumption in China. Among them, small three-phase asynchronous motors consume about 35% of the power, making them a major power consumer. Therefore, the development of efficient motors in China is one of the important measures to improve the energy utilization rate, which meets the needs of China's development and is very necessary.


The motor system energy conservation project is the key field of national energy conservation and emission reduction work. In the context of energy conservation and emission reduction, mandatory standards and incentive policies determine that high efficiency energy-saving motors will comprehensively replace traditional low efficiency motors in the future. High efficiency energy-saving motors are those that use new motor design, new processes and new materials to improve the output efficiency of motors by reducing the loss of electromagnetic energy, thermal energy and mechanical energy.


National special supervision to help improve motor energy efficiency


On April 19, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the Notice on Carrying out 2021 Industrial Energy Conservation Supervision (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice").


It was proposed in the notice that special supervision should be carried out on the implementation of the mandatory energy consumption quota standard per unit product. In 2021, comprehensive sorting and investigation should be carried out for enterprises in key industries such as steel, nonferrous metals, petrochemical and chemical industries, and building materials.


The notice also proposed to carry out special supervision on energy efficiency improvement of key energy using products and equipment, implement the Transformer Energy Efficiency Improvement Plan (2021-2023) according to relevant national mandatory energy efficiency standards, carry out special supervision on energy efficiency improvement of users of key energy using products and equipment such as motors, fans, air compressors and pumps, and check equipment accounts, Work with relevant departments to urge enterprises to eliminate inefficient products that fail to meet the mandatory energy efficiency standards. Those who fail to rectify as required or fail to rectify in place shall be dealt with according to laws and regulations.


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